I've reached the 30 day mark til I will depart for India. Holy crow*. I'm finishing up on some arrangements, payments, and other purchases, and still don't exactly feel prepared. Yesterday, I was looking over my flight itinerary for my flight there. I leave from Seattle on Jan. 4, and go straight to Frankfurt, Germany (10 hour duration). Followed by a 5 hour layover, I will have a 7 hour flight from Frankfurt to Mumbai, arriving at 1:30 a.m. Eight hours later I leave Mumbai, to Hyderabad, finally arrive at Vishakhatapatnam on Jan. 6. It totals to around 35 hours of transit from Seattle to Vizag. Believe you me, my face is the face of excitement. Now because some forms of humor are hard to detect things written on the interwebs, I will tell you that I just used sarcasm.
While in India, I have to do a project. I've chosen a study of the cemetery art in the colonial cemeteries in Vizag. The art I will be studying will vary from the headstone imagery to any of the architecture. The director of program upon learning that I was a photo major wanted me to document the cemetery and its architecture. The whole attitude towards cemeteries in India are quite different than our attitude here in America. We treat our cemeteries like parks to visit, and wander around. In India, they are not places you go, simply a place for the dead. Upkeep is supposedly non existent, and some believe it likely that the colonial cemeteries will be torn down to make room for more contemporary architecture. The director felt this would be a great opportunity to document the cemeteries before they are destroyed. It should be very fascinating. I would be very interested to see and learn of the funerary customs of the Hindus as well. From what little (and I mean little) I know, their ceremonies already seem uniquely different from our American customs.
There are so many emotions running, and my mind is overwhelmed by it. I've turned to a numb state, neither here nor there, so I can focus on everything that I have to do to finish this semester and be ready by Christmas break. Cross your fingers! Hopefully I can make it.
*So as not to offend the natives, whose beleifs revere those animals of the beefly influence, I am going to attempt to no longer use the phrase "holy cow".