Monday, September 26, 2011

Scars (Help Needed)

My latest endeavor is one that has become of great importance to me.  It started out as a final in my Historical Processes class.  I was to complete a series of photos and print them using one of the many historical printing forms.  I explained to my teacher that I wanted to do a group of portraits using a large format camera (a film camera which uses a 4"x5" or more negative), using the kallitype process. He responded with "I like the idea, but why would you be grouping these people together?"

I thought.  And thought.  And thought....


After shooting a few portraits, I soon realized that this was something that could mean something more to people more than myself, and it quickly became more than just a homework assignment, transforming into one of the most important works in my young career.  It is now the series that I will use for what is called a "BFA show"(Bachelor of Fine Arts Show), and will be a part of a BFA student gallery that showcases the work of graduating fine arts students.

 Here are a few examples of what I have done so far:

Breanna was born with severe heart defects and as a result has received 6 open heart surgeries to reconstruct her heart. Although the major deformities have been adjusted, she will continue to have periodic heart surgeries through the duration of her life.

Breaking her collarbone in a car accident, Melissa had to have a plate inserted to place the bones in their correct position as they healed. She has since had the plate removed.

Brandi is a victim of a brutal attack in which a man poured gasoline on her, and lit her on fire.  After a series of grafts done with skin taken from her leg, she has fully healed.  She recently gave birth to a healthy baby boy.

At around age 8, in a contest with his older brother of who could could shovel more dirt, Drew was "accidentally" shoveled in the face by that same brother (my father).  Eight years later, at age 16, an unfortunate accident with a gun took his index finger.  Boys will be boys.

I have loved hearing of people's journies, some funny and  some not so, of healing both physically and emotionally, hearing of their heartbreak and their triumph.

The project continues, and I am searching for people to sit for me.  If you, or anyone that you know would be willing to help me in this important series, please contact me at, or (509)551-1088.


  1. These are sooo awesome Kirsten! You are such a talented photographer! When will your pictures be on display, do you know? I'm guessing they'll be in the Spori? If I can think of anyone in the Burg area who might be able to participate, I'll definitely let you know!

  2. Thanks Heidi! The show will be at the end of winter semester, early to mid April. I won't know where they will be on display till next semester however. But I am very excited about it, to say the least! Any help would be appreciated Heids!
